Bee Ball Rookies and Majors
We are sooooooo excited to introduce this new programme into KZN.
BeeBall was introduced by the Dutch Federation in 2009 and has progressed throughout Europe. They have welcomed many organisations and associations to adopt the programme that they have so kindly shared. All we can say is thank you because we hope that it will be as successful here as it is there. BeeBall in KZN will run slightly different here than in our colder neighbours…..well not really neighbours but you know what we mean.
BeeBall will be introduced to simplify the game of softball and spread the fun of playing the game to the youngest children in the safest manner. Rules are rules, of course, but the main rule in BeeBall is FUN. Therefore the rules we introduce is to have fun and encourage participation. Good sportsmanship is key and competition is of no importance as participation is of utmost importance and this is the reason we do not take score during the interschool leagues until the National BeeBall Champs.
BeeBall is a Term 2 sport in KZN because our weather is beautiful and perfect for little ones ….. not too hot and not too cold.
Do you want to enter a school team at a Junior Primary phase, then please contact our BeeBall Facilitator Amberleigh Cowdrey on for an appointment once you have completed the online registration form in our download section.
We are soooo happy to get you started so don’t worry, we will help you every step of the way. We have two facilitators Amberleigh and Dylan O’Brien who has an abundance of experience in the game of softball and baseball. It’s quite easy so don’t be overwhelmed.
BeeBall Rookies = girls and boys aged 4 – 6 years old
BeeBall Majors = girls and boys aged 7 – 9 years old
KZN Schools Softball Association, FNB, Davenport
Branch number: 22 02 26
Account number: 50780069222
Reference: BeeBall/School Name
Email proof of payment to

Schools League – All ages
The schools league within Senior Primary and High School phases has been going for many years.
All players in a school that plays softball will have to play for their school. Any players who do not have a school playing softball are welcome to contact us to introduce softball to their school or alternatively play as a guest player for a school.
ONLY one guest player PER SCHOOL is allowed. Guest players would have to play within the first two fixtures of the school season or alternatively join a club team to qualify for KZN trials.
The cost per team is R750 for the season which runs during term 3.
Fixtures will be available during the last week of June as long as schools adhere to deadline dates for league entries.
Senior Primary Boys = 14 teams from 7 schools
High School Boys = 24 teams from 13 schools
Senior Primary Girls = 37 teams from 21 schools
High School Girls = 27 teams from 15 schools
All guest players that do not have a school to play for, would need to be allocated to a school via the committee. To gain permission please email secretary@kznschoolssoftball.
Hit the Pitch and Run Schools League
Hit the Pitch is a programme run in the UK by BaseballSoftballUK and due to its success we will with their permission start the programme in KZN.
It aims to introduce new players to softball at the basic level so that players can have fun, and move onto the Senior Primary phase where the player’s school may already be playing softball.
We will introduce the concept at our Hit the Pitch Rally Day which all schools are invited to (date and time to be confirmed).
To register your team email us on for a registration form.
Cost per team for the season = R500 per team for the 2019 season which starts in July and ends at the end of the 3rd school term in September 2019.
Hit The Pitch = 9 – 11 Year Olds
The “Hit The Pitch & Run” programme will extend to all ages over the age of 9. However, to start with we are aiming to introduce this programme at the Junior Primary Phase and focus on 9-11 year olds.
*For more information click on the button below

Junior Club Bolt League
This league has officially been established on 13 January 2019.
Due to heavy school schedules and many school sports on offer, there has been a great need to increase game time for players wanting to improve their game. Softball in Durban is a third term sport and with softball being a sport with so many rules it is important to give players more opportunity and game time.
The outdoor league has been completed for 2019 and we will update you on further dates. Should you wish to receive information regarding upcoming outdoor dates please email
u15 Girls = 4 Teams
Heat, Mini Royals, Westville Warriors x2 teams. Should you wish to join a team or start a team made up of girls from various schools within your area, please contact Dillon Bester on
All 16 and older players should contact our Softball Federation senior club section at so that they can join a senior club team.
Fixtures will be updated by the end of July 2019. For more information contact Dillon
School of Excellence Academy
The academy has been established to improve our KZN Players both A and B teams as well as any players invited to the academy whom show talent, potential and dedication to the sport.
It is an opportunity to improve their softball during the off-season and learn very specific softball techniques. Our excellent academy coaches will not only lead the training sessions but will also develop coaches that are young and interested in improving their coaching skills.
All players are to bring their own gloves and catching equipment. All players are to bring their own snack for the break. Water will be provided for each player.
Sunday 31 March = 08:30am -12:30pm.
Sunday 7 April = 08:30am -12:30pm.
Sunday 5 May = 08:30am -12:30pm.
Sunday 19 May = 08:30am -12:30pm.
Sunday 2 June = 08:30 am – 12:30 (This will be our final training for the 2019 season) A braai will follow for all volunteers, coaches, parents and players.
*For more information click on the button below